Friday, March 9, 2012


When listening to music today i stumbled upon this simple little video, and I don't know if it'll do the same for you but it really touched me and made me see God's name "I AM" with a completely new perspective :) His name isn't "I will" or "I have", but "I AM". It's so comforting. While we cry out in prayer our deepest concerns, requests, and "groanings that words cannot express", God is "I AM". He is already there, He is the answer, and was there before we even opened our mouths to speak. When we praise Him and give thanks, He is there and rejoicing with us. Using His name as the reply to our concerns, questions, praises, etc in the same way that He answered to Moses's question just really made me see His name/character differently and embedded a clearer picture of the omnipresence of God.

Happy Sabbath! 

Feed my sheep

“Pour yourself out. Don’t testify about how much you love Me and don’t talk about the wonderful revelation you have had, just ’Feed My sheep.’ ” Jesus has some extraordinarily peculiar sheep: some that are unkempt and dirty, some that are awkward or pushy, and some that have gone astray! But it is impossible to exhaust God’s love, and it is impossible to exhaust my love if it flows from the Spirit of God within me. The love of God pays no attention to my prejudices caused by my natural individuality. If I love my Lord, I have no business being guided by natural emotions— I have to feed His sheep." 

-The Utmost of His Highest by Oswald Chambers

Hole inside or whole inside

"There's a God-shaped hole in all of us,
and the restless soul is searching.
There's a God-shaped hole in all of us,
and it's a void only He can fill"

God-Shaped Hole-Plumb, image by Rizki Syahril from


Unbenounced to you and me,

Beyond the place of tyranny,
There lies a love that holds us—
In sure and constant watch.
I pass a place of future crashing and
 Far beyond the tongues and lashing
 There lies a blaze that’s burning
Never to be drenched.
When people live and love beyond themselves,
Hearts betray this bitter world—
There’s bound to be a breaking.
But I can’t sweat for better yet
When all I have is manifest
In who I am, who I was, and what I’m not mistaken.
If this is freedom,
Living and loving hard,
When guarantees are lewd and shard
And I can’t rest on human souls,
Because they’re impractical and bruising…
There has got to be more.
There has got to be something deeper out there.
And I hope that you look and you find,
Because the people are being restored
Where vines and branches sever more
And never has it been so crazy.
Kick the doors to free me
to say that I’m alive and I’m thriving still,
I’ve lost my feet, but I won’t lose my will
You can hurt, but you cannot kill
The raging fires of a man who’s been caught by human lies
Time after time.
Who’s been,

and choked
and rung 
by compromise.
Who was once dead

is now


~Jonah Werner, "Alive"