When listening to music today i stumbled upon this simple little video, and I don't know if it'll do the same for you but it really touched me and made me see God's name "I AM" with a completely new perspective :) His name isn't "I will" or "I have", but "I AM". It's so comforting. While we cry out in prayer our deepest concerns, requests, and "groanings that words cannot express", God is "I AM". He is already there, He is the answer, and was there before we even opened our mouths to speak. When we praise Him and give thanks, He is there and rejoicing with us. Using His name as the reply to our concerns, questions, praises, etc in the same way that He answered to Moses's question just really made me see His name/character differently and embedded a clearer picture of the omnipresence of God.
Happy Sabbath!